Wednesday, July 27, 2005

5th step

"Almost without exception, alcoholics are tortured by loneliness." "...we were finally struck down and left in terrified loneliness."
Wow, I read this this morning in the 12 x 12, page 57. I was thinking this exact thing this morning while I was driving to work this morning. That I can fall into such an isolated space where no one understands, no one. I actually felt terrified and put it into those words in my mind. To then come in to work and read this exact phrase is an omen for me. This has been my past, my MO, my bane. It takes courage to get out of this familiar pattern of my life. The terrifying part is that it's so ingrained in me to want everyone or mostly everyone to think I'm such a good guy. I really sweat blood when I travel down any path to my "new" future.
I'm in a situation now with a woman that I fell in love with recently. It has been a long, convoluted, painful, exciting and bitterly painful period this past 18 months. I left a marriage in a small way due to this, a catalyst more than anything. We, *** and I were dancing around a lot of hurdles, age, her relationship with Henry, my divorce papers not signed, etc. FINALLY, when everything seemed clear, we connected! Hallelujah! Within 6 weeks it was over for us. What happened? There seemed to be more to leaving a marriage than I thought. There seemed to be more complexities jumping into a relationship than I thought. I made the call to quit while we were ahead and really broke her heart in the process. How was I to know how much she loved me? Her actions seemed more like following a script to me. When we discussed the issues, I would get defensive (nothing new) and then it seemed competitive between the both of us. Now she was a lot smoother when it came to talking and could make me see that she wasn't attacking me. She was sincere. When I first broke it off with her, I decided the route of "no contact, no friction" would be appropriate. I guess that was the wrong route. She wanted initially for me to reconsider. Uh uh, not again, that's the long awaited realization of what killed my marriage. Her wanting me to be who she thought a man in love with her should be. Not the man that she knew previously and fell in love with. Granted there were conditions and situations that had risen but in the big picture they were transparent and temporary. I was decisive and brutal in putting the brakes on our relationship. I felt if anyone deserved a chance to start again, it should be my wife. That's when the circling vultures started to appear. In short, I lost both women permanently. That's what seems to be killing me softly now. Is this God's will? This is part of the tortuous space I fall into when I start mind tripping on my actions.
Uh, shit, what does this all have to do with the 5th step? I did my fifth step with my sponser on the 16th. We started at noon and went to 11PM. It WAS good to reveal my life to him. It was good to relive it all in one sitting. I'm slowly feeling part of the fellowship, in life, in spirit, in myself.
Despite the 5th step "feeling" I do feel so remorseful. I don't want any contact with either one now because it just seems for me that's the best path. No contact, no friction, again! It hurts for me to see ***, to know that it could have been so sweet, so so so so. Mind tripping. I have to realize with true, solid conviction that I have done the best thing for me. I have to practice self-control, calm assurance and patience with my eager, energetic and bi-polared charged mind. I have to learn to endure the path of my actions despite what my feelings tell me. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "don't take yourself seriously" and I laughed! How true. I need to take the attention off of myself and remember that I am a child of God and it's all a journey!

Family Reunion

This weekend I'm off to Pennsylvania for my family reunion! This is exciting stuff for me! These are the cousins that were separated by coasts when I was growing up and I just knew about them but I didn't know them. This is my 6th consecutive trip for our reunions. Each year I think I can't afford to go but then the thought of the money versus the connection inside, I just can't justify not attending. I'm doing the redeye tomorrow night, flying into BWI early Friday AM, picking up a rental car and then driving straight to Shanksville. 3 1/2 hour drive. Then a nap and then to Stoneycreek Lake. I now feel comfortable saying that I know everyones name without having to consult my picture log of past reunions. I even know the names of all the children of my cousins! Now that's family.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Okay, okay...

So I was a little hot yesterday but I am not going to delete the post yet. What is it about marriages and me that corrodes so explosively? Or relationships for that matter? I'm a guy, let's get that straight first and whatever that may imply, you can let it. I like women, I love women. I'm a first class flirt and have been for years. It is fun, delightful, delicious and the effects and results are scintillating, brilliant and momentarily validating. It's that last part that is the root of my darkest and scariest trimmings. I find the external pleasure a mask to comfort the innermost, fraidy-cat, unwanted Pherby. No, I'm not going to say "my inner child"! Fuck that, he is a bratty, screaming, spastic, demanding, egotistical Tasmanian imp! A whirling dervish! Ooohh, I always wanted to use that adjective! So my little internal validation is vacuous and timid. It takes whatever scraps that it can suck up from the floor, without shame, without dignity. I know, I'm SO dramatic. Spend a month in my family and you'll know where it comes from. That is a comfort also. The DRAMA of it all! Oh, for swear and for knocked up nuisances (with the back of your hand on your forehead), please GOD, blast these damn, ungrateful little backstabbing pricks of misery that always PHUCK with my fantastic and worldly plans! Don't they know who I AM?!? Oh yeah, the drama juices are flowing now.
Where was I? Remember, the bipolar part of me...maybe it's really ADHD afterall? Maybe it's both! Yay! Oh yeah, my mental-pause inner validation crisis. It's all life really. Isn't it? Isn't this just me thinking that everyone else is living the dream, happy as a clam in Fiji and I'm the only one not getting it? Is that it? Do you ever look at people in other cars passing by so quickly and realize, no matter who they are, that they have their worldly stories too? The dramas, the emotional nightmares, the fucked up family issues, the STORIES that they can tell? I do and I try to imagine my place on this planet. I'm just one of many here folks. I guess that is the reason for these blogs. To let us know that we are all drops that make up the big fucking river of life TOGETHER. My validation has to accept that. I don't need to know the answers I guess, just to notice the "Do Not Enter" signs and comply. Hmmm. How about that?